Monday, October 11, 2010

Sci Fi

I'm having fun working out the science behind the action in my short story.  I find it odd that I can spend most of my work afternoon completely confused by company politics, yet happily discover logic in a work of fiction.  I guess when I can tell people what to say, they make a lot more sense.  Nice.

This week is a light travel week, so I'm taking advantage by catching up with editing.  Halfway through January edits (pick up the rest on Wednesday) and nearly done with the first draft of my short story.  March continues to outline itself without me and had a revelation last night about a judge that needs to be more actively involved in the Rialto stories.

Drove to Vegas to visit family on Saturday (which was loads of fun except for one crazy moment regarding lunch - and who wouldn't be crazed about lunch in a desert) and saw this at a Starbucks stop.  Mom said that someday no one will know who Roy Rogers was.

Last week I was in Chicago and flew in and out of Midway airport.  In one of the terminals there is a large tribute to the Battle of Midway and a B3 bomber hangs from the ceiling.  Almost no one looks up, but there it hangs.

After I checked in and got my ticket, I noticed this display hanging from the ceiling and easily visible while descending on the escalator.  All of the little red spots are planes.  All different kinds of planes.  Midway really is one of the prettier airports.

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