Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prep day - when I manage to avoid any actual planning.

Saturday involved walking around in the backyard with the dogs.  There was no Thanksgiving planning.

The procrastination took a more sinister turn as day gave way to night and we found ourselves enjoying Battle of the Bands at a local high school.  My sister's band played a tribute to flight (that even included and ode to space-flight - squee).

Then Sunday occurred.  I played Harry Potter Legos...for a really long time.  I also went to the grocery store (which also took a really long time).  And I finally made the pie (with Trader Joe's apple pie in a can...delicious).  I managed to dust and vacuum...and I scheduled the carpet cleaner for tomorrow.  After making dinner - there was more Harry Potter - then I sampled the apple pie (nom-nom-nom).  Immediately afterward my son demanded I do a series of exercises...but I may have blacked out halfway through the second series of lady push-ups.

It is now close to ten and very little of March has been written.  Sigh.  One must start by forgiving oneself, correct?  But after we forgive ourselves the inner Richard Simmons needs to bounce up in short shorts and demand we complete at least five hundred words before sleep overtakes us.

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