People fly all the way from Asia to be here. |
I get to hang out with the coolest people on the planet. |
And brides are beautiful. |
That said, weddings are wonderful for other reasons as well.
- You get to dress up and feel confident that absolutely no one will be looking at you. It takes all the pressure off. I find that I can dress for weddings better than any other social occasion simply because we are all mesmerized by the happy bride - who, even while blowing her nose, looks amazing.
- You can do all sorts of embarrassing stuff and it becomes funny. At this wedding I cut the cake for everyone. I was the cake murderer. Instead of nice neat pieces on everyone's plate, they received blobs of sugary goodness. When I was done I went to the bathroom to wash up and was greeted with "What happened to you?" The two ladies who were already there backed up and allowed my frosting and flaky cake covered self full access to the sink. Much appreciated ladies, thank you.
- You clear out your tear ducts with all of the crying. (*special note...there is a negative side affect to this if you forget your tissues)
- Your friends and relatives show up happy and crying too, so it's kind of like a well dressed therapy session...with gifts and champagne.
And for the first time ever, I gained a Facebook friend. So let's just say that going to Stacy's wedding was, for me, one of the best days of the year.
You all look gorgegous. You're right. Weddings are so much fun for many, many reasons. Dressing up is one of them. :P