A at Starbucks, circa 2010 (post them having free WiFi, the best thing ever). |
Where are the outlets? Why haven't airports, restaurants, coffee shops...heck bathrooms and gyms - why haven't they all figured it out? We are a society in need of plugging in...immediately...as soon as we sit down. We just want to reach down and BAM, be connected to power. POWER!!
And while I'm on this rant, I need to add that the other item equal in rarity is a strong WiFi link...and if you ask me, those that do exist, should all be free. On Thursday I spent about thirty minutes trying to find an area in the Denver International Airport where I could get a clear signal. I ended up in a sort of loft area holding my computer up to the ceiling and yelling at two tiny people playing on the escalator. "Look," I said in my not so nice voice. "My sister works at a place that has one of these and she's seen some pretty nasty injuries. Maybe you ought to stop running up the going down side."
"Why are you holding your computer up like a kite?"
Blink. Cough. "Just never you mind." Little hooligans. "Where are your parents?"
The only place I don't want WiFi is on airplanes and sadly it looks like we are going to have that soon. In the world I live in, the only place someone can't find me and I can't work is a plane. Last year I flew eighty-two times (no exaggeration) and each time, I opened my book, stuck my earphones in my ear and promptly fell asleep. If I have WiFi, I'll be forced to work, respond to email...be connected. Phooey.
Then again, I could write...but as I think about this, I wonder...will they have power outlets on the planes or just the WiFi, because trust me, one is no good without the other.
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