Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Writer Procrastination

Seattle 2009
I love this picture.  Mandy and I were in Seattle at a park at sunset and this happened in front of us.  One man fell in, the other was trying to help him back in the kayak.  We felt their pain, but still giggled...behind our hands so they couldn't see us.  Now that I think about it, I suppose the sight of me standing there taking their picture during the mishap was perhaps just as rude as laughing.  But how do you pass up a picture opportunity like this?  Thank you, you're right, you don't.

So if you must know, I'm procrastinating.  I do this when I'm very close to finishing something and right now I'm very close to being done with my short story.  One scene left.  So I write, then pause, then surf the web - mainly Facebook.  Then write some more, edit, rewrite, cross out, fret, insult myself, write some more, think something is clever, edit some more...then surf again.

I'm waiting for the final proof edits for January to come back.  I'm going to swiftly work through them to make sure my book still goes on PubIt in January.  I like the potential symmetry.  I like it so much I'm tempted not to wait, but then I remind myself of what a poor editor I am on my own and that potential readers will appreciate a clean copy.

Watched Hawaii Five-O last night.  I think they are close to figuring it out.  I like the sister, but she's not quite right.  Danno and McGarrett are great.  Not sure I like the chemistry that Kono has with the team, but she has some potential.  Didn't like the fact that they tasered him from behind.  That strikes out the ninja skills I had been depending on.  Now he's just human.  I like my heroes Alias like - Jennifer Garner like - Buffy like.  I'm quite demanding, really.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning
    The water should be very cold this time of year. Is that the bay? If so it may be in the 50's. I'll check, it is 48 degrees this morning out on the water. That is enough for hypothermia. Well we will just have to pray he gets over his shivers. Then again if he was wearing a wet suit he is fine.
